Monday, December 23, 2013

Last minute Christmas decorations

Here are a few last Christmas decorations we made at our home. We made a garland with cookie cutter critters made from glittery saltdough.

For the saltdough you need:

1 cup fine table salt
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
1 teaspoon oil

Mix all the ingredients and knead well. You can add some glitter if you like. Then roll out and cut cookies out of it. Let them dry for a day or two (or dry in the oven at 50 degrees for 1-2 hours).

Another project involved Origami cranes. We used this tutorial to make them:

Origami crane tutorial

We put five cranes on a string and hung them from a lampshade.

The last project is very popular with the kids. It's Christmas trees made from popsicle sticks. Cut the sticks into several sizes and glue them onto one stick that serves as the foot. Then let the kids decorate the trees with paint, glitter, pom poms etc.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

DIY IKEA hack: Upcycle kids' chairs with felt stickers

 All you need for this little DIY project is a kid's chair and a large felt sticker. Mine were actually too large for the back rest so that I was a bit disappointed at first. But then I just came up with the idea to cut them and use them on the front and back of the chair. Voila you can see the result on the pictures. The chairs look so cute now and in addition the felt makes them more comfy.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

DIY: Toilet paper tube crowns

Here comes another little DIY project for the kids. Collect a couple of toilet tubes and then paint them or stick nice paper on them. Then take a pair of cissors and cut about 1/3 away. Then do some more cutting to bring it into a crown shape. Punch a hole into each side and thread elastic string through them. That's all you have to do for your little crown hat. You could also decorate them with glitter glue and false gemstones, or stickers, or washi tape etc. 
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