Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Projects - 2. Breakfast Rolls

The second Easter project is for the Easter Brunch. These self baked breakfast rolls in shape of rabbits and hens will make for a lovely deco as well.

Basic dough:
500 g plain white flour
250 g whole wheat flour (or plain white if you don't like whole wheat)
3 Tbsp dried yeast
1 Tbsp sugar
1/4 Tsp salt
300 ml handwarm water

Mix the plain white flour with the yeast, sugar and salt. Then stirr in the water. This will give a very liquid dough. Knead  the dough until it's smooth. Then add the rest of the flour gradually and always knead in between each step. Add as much flour until the dough is still moist but doesn't stick to your hands anylonger.

Now you can divide the dough and add different flavours e.g. walnuts, dried fruits (raisins, blueberries, cranberries etc.) or olives if you like.
Shape the dough into little rabbits, hens, pretzels, bagels etc. and place on a tray covered with baking paper. Place a clean damp kitchen towel over the pieces and let it prove for at least one hour. You can also leave it to prove over night. Make sure that it doubles in size. Then bake the pieces at 180 degrees for around 20 minutes. Larger pieces will need more time (for a loaf around 40-50 min). The bread is cooked if it sounds hollow when tapping it's bottom.

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